30 de abril de 2013

Air Bike

Difficulty: 5/10
Intensity: 5/10
Reps: 20 for each side
Muscles: Abs

Start off lying flat as if you were going to perform a sit up putting your hands behind your head and lifting your shoulders into a crunch position.
Bring your knees up so that they are perpendicular with the floor and your lower legs are parallel with the ground as this will be your starting position.
Slowly go through a cycle pedal motion kicking forward with your right leg and bringing in the knee of the leg.
Next bring your right elbow close to your left knee by cruching to the side.
Return back to the starting position as you breathe in then crunch to the opposite side as you cycle your legs and bring your left elbow close to your right knee.
Reduce the speed of the exercise for more intensity and better results.

29 de abril de 2013

Machine Incline Chest Press

Difficulty: 2/10
Intensity: 5/10
Reps: 4 sets * 12 reps
Muscles: Chest

Start off by adjusting the seat of the bench so that the handles are aligned with the upper portion of your chest, keeping your back flat on the back padding and grabbing the handles with an overhand grip, as this will be your starting position.
Slowly press the handles forward until your hands are fully extended and you feel a stretch in your chest muscles.
Hold this position for a count then slowly return back to the starting position.
Repeat fo as many reps and sets as desired.

28 de abril de 2013

Narrow Stance Leg Press

Difficulty: 5/10
Intensity: 6/10
Reps: 18 - 16 - 14 - 12 - 10 - 8 reps
Muscles: Upper Legs

To begin this exercise, start off sitting down on a leg press machine and place your legs on the platform in front of you in less than a shoulder with apart narrow stance and toes pointed out. Then lower the safety bars to release the platform and push the platform up until your legs are fully extended forward.
Lower the platform back down towards your chest and stop when your upper legs and knees make a 90-degree angle.
Return back to the starting position and repeat this exercise for as many repetitions as needed.

Handstand Pushups

Difficulty: 10/10
Intensity: 8/10
Reps: N reps
Muscles: Shoulders

Start off with your back up against a wall, then bend forward placing both hands on the floor in front of you shoulder width apart. Slowly kick your feet up against the wall, still keeping your arms straight, and walk your way up the wall with your feet so that your legs and arms are fully extended.
Make sure that your body is straight and balanced before you move onto the next step.
Slowly, through your shoulders, lower your self towards the ground so that your head almost touches the floor and you feel a stretch in your shoulders and upper body.
Push yourself back up until youe elbows are near locked.
Repeat for as many reps and sets as desired.

Barbell Bent Over Row

Difficulty: 7/10
Intensity: 5/10
Reps: 4 sets * 10 reps
Muscles: Back

To begin, stand in front of a barbell with your feet shoulder-width apart and bend over until your back is parallel with the floor.
Grab the bar with a shoulder width grip then lift the bar up off of the ground and this will be your starting position.
Take the bar and raise it up towards your chest using a controlled motion and continue until the bar is almost touching your lower chest.
Hold this position for a few seconds, squeezing your back muscles and then lower the bar back to the starting position.

Barbell Close Grip Bench Press

Difficulty: 4/10
Intensity: 6/10
Reps: 4 sets * 10 reps
Muscles: Triceps

Start off lying with your back flat on a bench with your feet flat on the floor in front of you. Grab the bar with a narrow grip keeping your hands close enough so that your thumbs are able to touch.
Then lift the barbell off of the rack and hold it above your chest as this will be your starting position.
Lower the barbell towards your chest, stopping so that the bar is close to touching you and hold for a second.
Push the bar back up to the starting position and repeat for as many reps and sets as desired.

27 de abril de 2013

Abs Pendulum

Difficulty: 3/10
Intensity: 4/10
Reps: n reps
Muscles: Abs

Start off by laying with oyur back flat on the floor, your legs together extended out in front of you and your hands placed out to your sides so that you are in a 'T' position.
Slowly lift your legs up and over your body so that you are creating a right angle to the floor, then twisting only at your hips, lower your feet slowly to the floor to your right without losing any control.
As soon as you feel a stretch in your oliques, return to the starting position and repeat on the opposite side.

Cable Preacher Curl

Difficulty: 5/10
Intensity: 6/10
Reps: 12 - 10 - 8 - 6 reps
Muscles: Biceps

Start off by placing a padded preacher arm curl bench in front of a cable machine and attaching a short bar to the bottom pulley. Rest your arms against the bench and extend them fully.
With a narrow grip, grab the bar underhand and pull it towards your head.
Hold for a count, isolating and squeezing the biceps, and then lower the bar back to starting position.

25 de abril de 2013

Smith Machine Bench Press

Difficulty: 3/10
Intensity: 7/10
Reps: 4 sets * 10 reps
Muscles: Chest

Start off by placing a flat bench in the middle of a smith machine so that the bar is in line with the middle of your chest. lie down with your back flat on the bench and grab the bar with a shoulder-width grip as this will be your starting position.
Unlatch the bar, then slowly lower it down towards your chest until it barely touches and you feel a stretch in your muscles.
Hold this position for a count then return back up to the start.

Shoulder Dumbbell Press

Difficulty: 6/10
Intensity: 6/10
Reps: 4 sets * 10 reps
Muscles: Shoulders

Start off sitting up straight at the end of a flat bench, holdinh a dumbbell in each arm at shoulder level next to your head. Slowly elevate your arms up and above your head, squeezing in your shoulder and immediately return back to the starting position.
Repeat for as many reps and sets as desired.

23 de abril de 2013

Cable Rope Overhead Triceps Extension

Difficulty: 6/10
Intensity: 7/10
Reps: 4 sets * 8 reps
Muscles: Triceps

Start off standing with your feet shoulder width apart, keeping your back straight and abs tight drawn in. Grab and hold the rope extension with bothe hands with your palms facing up and raise the rope over your head.
Slowly lower the rope in an arc motion behind your head, feeling your tricep muscles stretching (Don't let your hands touch your neck or your head, because you are resting ...) .
Hold this position for a count, then slowly raise the rope back up to the start.


Difficulty: 8/10
Intensity: 9/10
Reps: 4 sets * 10 reps
Muscles: Quads, hamstrings, gluteal muscles, lower back, traps, forearms.

Place the barbell on the ground and attach weights to it according your strength and fitness level (WARNING: if is the first time you are doing this exercise don't push to hard, because you can have a serious injury, such as a herniated disc ...).
Bend your knees while keeping your back straight, so that you are sitting back. You should be close enough to reach the barbell and grasp it with your hands slightly more than shoulder width apart, outside of your legs.
Lower your hips so that your thighs are parallel to the floor, keep the lower part of your legs mostly vertical. The angle between your foot and your lower leg be close to 90 degrees.
Never lose the natural arch of your back (very important).
Stand up by raising your hips and shoulders at the same rate and maintaining a flat back, keep your ans tight during the whole lift. You should lift the bar straight up vertically and close to your body, thinking of it as pushing the floor away. Come to a standing position with upright posture and your shoulders pulled back. Allow the bar to hang in front of your hips, DO NOT TRY TO LIFT IT ANY HIGHER.
Keeping your back straight, return the bar to the starting position in a controlled manner. Pusching your butt out as if you are going to sit down in a chair, and keep your head up.

21 de abril de 2013

Standing barbell curl

Difficulty: 5/10
Intensity: 8/10
Reps: 4 sets - 12 -> 10 -> 8- >6 reps
Muscles: Biceps, brachialis, deltoid.

This exercise is very simple, we just need a barbell, some weights and motivation ...

Load a standard barbell with some weights and pick it up, The hands should be supinated, about shoulder width apart, arms should hang down beside/in front of your body, the bar in front od your hips.
To curl, keeping your elbows tucked in place at your sides, curl the bar up to your chin, but not so far that your forearms are perpendicular to the floor. Always keep tension on the biceps throughout the motion. Do not let the biceps relax at the bottom of the rep, but also don't bounce the bar off your hips or quads in order to start the nest rep. Keep your biceps strong and in tension ...


What is creatine? Who should use creatine? Does creatine help you build muscle? Does creatine help you lose fat? These are the questions for who want to build more muscle but don't know how or don't know the effects of creatine ...

Creatine is a nitrogenous organic acid derived from the amino acids glycine, arginine and methionine. Skeletal muscle contains 95% of all creatine, the heart, brain and testes hold the remaining 5%.
This supplement allows you to have a longer and larger work volume, helping you to get one more rep.
Who wants to get bigger and stronger, to increase lean body mass, boost strength and increase anaerobic performance should supplement with creatine.

Creatine also help you build muscle: increases fat-free mass, improves maximal strength, improve muscular endurance, increases anaerobic power and performance.
And help you lose fat because creatine helps you gain and retain metabolically-active lean muscle tissur, which makes it and indirect fat burner.

Street Workout with Hannibal for King

Hannibal for King have many videos on internet about workout on street, and every walls, floor, bars, trees belong to his gym ...

In this videos you can see many exercises to practice ...
If you don't have money to go to a gym or you don't have a gym near you, you don't have excuses ...

18 de abril de 2013

Dumbbel Declined Chest Press

Difficulty: 5/10
Intensity: 7/10
Reps: 3 sets * 8 reps
Muscles: Chest (under chest)

First, move the dumbbells in front of you at shoulder width, then rotate your wrists forward so that the palms of your hands are facing away from you. this will be your starting position.
Bring down the weights slowly to your side as you breathe out, Keep control of the dumbbells at all times. As you breathe out, push the dumbbells up using your pectoral muscles. Lock your arms in the contracted position, squeeze your chest, hold for a second and then start coming down slowly.
Repeat for desired reps.

Barbell Incline Chest Press

Difficulty: 3/10
Intensity: 8/10
Reps: 3 sets * 8 reps
Muscles: Chest (upper chest)

First, lie down ont the incline chest and make sure your upper chest is aligned with the barbell. Go to the starting position, as you breath in, come down slowly until you feel the bar on your upper chest, then pull the bar to the starting position while you breathe out and feel your chest muscles working.
Lock your arms in a contracted position and start coming down very slowly again.
Repeat for desired reps.

Abs: Bird Dog

Difficulty: 4/10
Intensity: 7/10
Reps: 15
Muscles: Six-pack muscles, obliques, hips and low-back muscles.

This exercise is very simple, it calls bird dog, because you need to put your knees on the floor, and up your left hand and your right leg, then you right hand and your left leg.

To do this exercise correctly you need to put your back straight and constrict your abs. Try to do the entire exercise very slowly and do about 15 reps on each side.