21 de abril de 2013


What is creatine? Who should use creatine? Does creatine help you build muscle? Does creatine help you lose fat? These are the questions for who want to build more muscle but don't know how or don't know the effects of creatine ...

Creatine is a nitrogenous organic acid derived from the amino acids glycine, arginine and methionine. Skeletal muscle contains 95% of all creatine, the heart, brain and testes hold the remaining 5%.
This supplement allows you to have a longer and larger work volume, helping you to get one more rep.
Who wants to get bigger and stronger, to increase lean body mass, boost strength and increase anaerobic performance should supplement with creatine.

Creatine also help you build muscle: increases fat-free mass, improves maximal strength, improve muscular endurance, increases anaerobic power and performance.
And help you lose fat because creatine helps you gain and retain metabolically-active lean muscle tissur, which makes it and indirect fat burner.