26 de junho de 2013

Cable Wrist Curl

Difficulty: 2/10
Intensity: 6/10
Reps: 4 sets * 12 reps
Muscles: Forearm, Bicep

It's very simple this exercise, you just need follow this steps:
Sit down on the bench with your arms resting on your thighs. Grab the bar attached to the cables. Pull thar bar towards your chest while keeping your elbows on your thighs.
When the bar is held to your chest hold for a few seconds befor letting back down.
Repear for as many reps and sets as desired.

25 de junho de 2013

Dumbbell Incline Fly

Difficulty: 5/10
Intensity: 6/10
Reps: 12 reps * 4 sets
Muscles: Chest

Start off lying on an incline bench set to 45 degrees and holding a dumbbell in each hand.
Lift the dumbbells up and over your chest, extending your arms fully as this will be your starting position.
While keeping a slight ben in your elbows, slowly bring the dumbbels towards each other in an arc motion, squeezing your chest muscles in the process.
Hold this position for a count then slowly return back to the starting position.
Repeat for as many reps and sets as desired.

16 de junho de 2013

Climbers Chin Up

Difficulty: 5/10
Intensity: 5/10
Reps: 4 sets * N reps
Muscles: Back

Grasp a chin up bar with a slightly wider than shoulder width grip. Keeping your body straight pull your self up and to one side of the bar.
Lower your body back down to the starting position. Raise your self to the other side of the bar.

9 de junho de 2013

Barbell Front Raise and Pullover

Difficulty: 5/10
Intensity: 7/10
Reps: 4 sets * 12 reps
Muscles: Lower Chest, Triceps and Shoulders

Start off lying on a flat bench, grabbing a barbell using a medium grip and placing the bar on your upper thighs while keeping your arms locked straight.
Slowly raise your arms up and overm in an arc motion, behind your head (as if  you were performing a reverse pullover).
Hold this position for a count, feeling a stretch in your muscles, and retrun back to the starting position on your thighs.

4 de junho de 2013

Alternate Hammer Curl

Difficulty: 2/10
Intensity: 7/10
Reps: 12 - 10 - 8 - 8 - 8
Muscles: Biceps

Start off standing with your feet shoulder-width apart, keeping your knees slightly bent and your abs drawn in tightly.
Grab a dumbbell in each hand with your palms facing inward and extend your arms out at the sides of your body.
While keeping your elbows locked in at your sides, slowly lift yourleft arm in an arc motion towards your left shoulder, isolating the bicep and squeeze the muscle.
Hold for a count and return back to the starting position.
Repeat the same steps with your right arm for as many reps and sets as desired.

3 de junho de 2013

Alternate Dumbbel Reverse Fly on Incline Bench

Difficulty: 5/10
Intensity: 6/10
Reps: 4 sets * 10 reps
Muscles: Shoulders

Start off setting up an incline bench with your chest rested upon the bench with feet extended behind you, toes on the floor, holding a dumbbell in each hand, and arms rested down towards the floor.
Slowly, using your shoulders, raise one of your arms up towards the ceiling, squeezing on the way up and hold for a count.
Return back to the starting position and repeat with the opposite arm. Repeat for as many reps and sets as desired.